Dec 05, 2022

Lior was awarded the Dr. PHILIP MOSKOWITZ PRIZE in recognition of his achievements in the field of Autoimmunity from The Judith & Stewart Colton Center for Autoimmunity)

Sep 01, 2022

Rita Perelroizen was awarded the Iafa Keydar Prize in Cancer Biology

Upcoming Symposium
Upcoming Symposium
Nov 15, 2022

Come and join us at NYU for the 8th annual Colton centers symposium – December 5, 2022

Bench to Bedside
Bench to Bedside
Nov 11, 2022

Foralumab is heading to Phase 2 clinical trials. See the update at Multiple Sclerosis News Today.

Foralumab, is an Antibody-based treatment for secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (SPMS) patients, developed based on Dr. Mayo’s Post-doc work (Mayo et al., Brain 2016).

Dec 14, 2022

Warm welcome to  Dana Savir and Tal Chamilevsky our newest students in the lab.

Sep 22, 2022

Rita Perelroizen was awarded the Weinstat award for outstanding research from the Center of Biology Research Center (CBRC)

Bench to Bedside
Bench to Bedside
Sep 21, 2022

The second SPMS Patient Given Foralumab, Continues to Improve. See the update at Multiple Sclerosis News Today.

Foralumab, is an Antibody-based treatment for secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (SPMS) patients, developed based on Dr. Mayo’s Post-doc work (Mayo et al., Brain 2016).

Research highlight
Research highlight
Aug 18, 2022

Our work on astrocyte role in glioblastoma was highlighted in Brain by a beautiful Scientific commentary: written by Kai Murk and Robert Hülse.

Bench to Bedside
Bench to Bedside
Aug 11, 2022

Sometimes dreams do come true! Foralumab is a nasal-administrated drug developed based on Dr. Mayo’s Post-doc work (Mayo et al., Brain 2016), which is already helping secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (SPMS) patients (a disease stage that is currently refractory to treatment). See the update at Multiple Sclerosis News Today.

Aug 11, 2022
Jul 20, 2022

Adi Tessler and Rita Perelroizen were selected for a flash talk in our 2022 Shmunis school retreat

May 19, 2022

Rita Perelroizen and Tom Chernobylsky were awarded the Shmunis excellence scholarship.

Jan 07, 2020

Adi Tessler was awarded the Teva Bioinnovators Ph.D. Fellowship By

Upcoming Symposium
Upcoming Symposium
Oct 05, 2018

Join us for the “Reciprocal Regulation of The Neuro-Immune Axis In Health And Disease” symposium at  on December 23 with a fabulous lineup of speakers including   

Sep 14, 2017

Ms. Tom Meyer for being accepted to the Direct Ph.D program at the Sagol School of Neuroscience

Upcoming Symposium
Upcoming Symposium
Nov 14, 2017

Please join us for a Mini-Symposium on the Microbiome, Inflammation, and Cancer (Dec 7th)

Upcoming Symposium
Upcoming Symposium
Sep 14, 2017

Please come and join us at the first Single cell analysis Symposium and Workshop at TAU.

Aug 08, 2017

Increased fellowships for MSc students in the Shmuins school, starting October 2017!

Research highlight
Research highlight
Jun 26, 2016

Our Tr1-astrocytes work was highlighted in Brain by a very insightful editorial written by Scott Zamvil and Ryan Winger.

Apr 30, 2016

Dr. Lior Mayo has been awarded the National Multiple Sclerosis Society Career Transition Award.