Research positions at all levels are available now. If you are passionate about scientific research and innovation and are motivated, ambitious, and driven - We want you on our team!

International candidates

Tel Aviv University houses Israel's largest concentration of scientists and clinicians investigating all aspects of human health and disease and is Israel's largest and most comprehensive institution for higher learning. In addition, Tel Aviv is a capital of industry, innovation, and youth culture, where sunny beaches and the national high-tech hub are within walking distance of each other.

Are you interested in learning more about Postdoctoral life, Graduate programs, and Summer programs at TAU ?- check out TAU's programs for international students at  TAU international or Sagol School of neuroscience webpages.

What role do glial cells play in autoimmunity and neurodegeneration? How do "normal" brain cells control the deadliest brain tumors? Can cellular metabolism regulate immune potential? Do lipids shape the immune response? How do peripheral immune cells, glial cells, and neurons communicate? Do you want to discover how to harness the power of the body's immune system to help develop new treatments for Brain tumors, Multiple Sclerosis, and Parkinson's disease?

Are you interested in these questions? Then join our team!

To answer these questions (and more), we apply state-of-the-art experimental techniques, including advanced immunologic procedures, bulk, single-cell RNA-sequencing, in-vivo imaging, real-time bioenergetic analysis, targeted and untargeted molecular imaging, mass spectrometry, and more. Our research program ranges from experimental in-vitro platforms and animal models to human samples and advanced bioinformatic analysis

The Mayo lab is affiliated with the Sagol School of Neuroscience and the Shmunis School of Biomedicine and Cancer Research at the George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences. Therefore, we accept applications from these programs, including several university-level programs (e.g., The Adi Lautman Interdisciplinary Program For Outstanding Students).